Paxton NET2 Access Control Integration Software with Active Directory
Do you have many user accounts in the Active Directory (AD) which need to be synchronised with Net2 Software for access control management with Paxton? Not a problem.
You started by managing user accounts in the Active Directory (AD) and now you need to replicate all that work when defining the user in the Net2 Paxton Server, correct? No! Not anymore. Avoid this cumbersome and time-consuming process.
Synchronisation of Windows User Accounts with NET2 Access Control
COSMO AD2Paxton is an easy-to-use sync tool which conveniently enables you to keep User Accounts updated both in the Active Directory and in the Paxton Net2 Server, making life easier for the access control manager, especially where there is an increased turnover of people.
While it can be used as a simple one-way syncing tool, its real power lies in the possibility of writing back to AD.
Advanced access levels are also supported.
Software Add-On
COSMO.PaperCut2Paxton automatically synchronizes PaperCut MF/NG user card numbers into Active Directory and then populates user information (card ID, account expiry date, access level, e-mail, etc.) into Paxton Net2 Access Control software.